Henry Hu

6/11 - 6/24, 2023

“Press Y for the moon” by Henry Hu

Above images from “Press Y for the moon"

Tell us about the artwork. What makes it unique?

“Press Y for the moon, a digital media artwork by Henry Hu. The motion visual distills the loss of childhood splendor, ruminating on the time before adulthood, back when everything was brand new, glaring, often exciting. Children’s rhymes, myths, fables, legends. They all once filled our heads with ideas only we never seem to know what they were. Press Y for the moon is the reaction. An object of reverence to any and every fairy tale. Wonder tale. Magic tale. A nod to the gift of anticipation. A gleaming dive into fanaticism.”

About the artist?

“Exercising through various media, Henry Hu’s (b. 1995 Hong Kong) emerging practice commits to an infusion. An exchange. An immediacy. A link between the interior and the exterior — of a self, a being, an identity, a consciousness. Each individual series offers an overarching narrative, steps away from the present for a spell: tasked with casting new perspectives, fresh air to breathe, a spiritual relief. Often juxtaposing the past with the future, differing forms of surrealistic fantasies unfold across his works; along with a recurring structure, the heart of all series rest in harmony. Henry Hu arrived at his practice through modern technological tools and software. Easily accessible, the digital medium served as an immediate resource. His early works engage aspects of digital arts, computer animations and graphic designs. The years followed, in an attempt to shift toward a more physical manner. Hu took on new materials, working between formats. To incorporate his digital creations into tangible forms. This ongoing exploration has manifested in mixed-media paintings and assemblage.”