"Sunrise / Sunset with Rain" by DebStep

December 11 - 24, 2022

Above still images from Sunrise / Sunset with Rain

Tell us about this artwork: What makes it unique?

“Sunrise/Sunset with Rain, 2022 is a collaboration by DebStep and J. Bagist which jams together two pieces: footage of a sunrise by DebStep and footage of an Arizona desert by J. Bagist. The artists edited their footage together by mixing and distorting two analog video signals for added dramatic effect.”

About the Artists:

“DebStep is an interdisciplinary artist working in glitch, video synthesis, photography, and embroidery. Their art practice explores the physical and digital manipulation of media. J. Bagist is an interdisciplinary artist primarily exploring video, net art, and electronic music. Their recent work studies privacy and obfuscation in cyberspace and the reconfiguration of the natural world through digital technologies. They take inspiration from the early pioneers of internet interactions and the history of electronic music and film.”